VAT Exemption

You may be eligible for VAT exemption on your purchase. 

Under Group 12 of Section 8 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 guidelines, we do not charge VAT on mastectomy products supplied to UK customers who have undergone breast surgery or who have such surgery planned, provided that the items are for their own personal use. 

Please enter the promo code VATEXEMPT at checkout to benefit from your exemption. By claiming the VAT exemption, you are confirming that you are purchasing items for your own personal use.

If the code is not utilised, VAT will be charged on your order at the standard rate.

PLEASE NOTE: as we stock both pocketed and non-pocketed options, VAT exemption is only applicable to certain products. Those which are eligible for VAT exemption are clearly marked as such.

Boost breast forms are not currently categorised as an exempt product and there is no VAT added to this product. Therefore, the VATEXEMPT code is not applicable to this product. 

Regrettably VAT exemption is only applicable to customers living in the UK.

If you have any queries regarding this, please email for clarification and further advice.